Mix and match a variety of armatures and foliage types in endless combinations to model any tree, any species, deciduous or conifer. Model dense forests or create individual trees.
Bendable and realistically textured plastic trunks. Includes base pin for planting and optional base for temporary placement.
A 25.2 cu in (57.7 cu cm) bag of Bushes will make approximately 15 trees. The exact number of trees will depend on the amount of foliage used and the size of the Tree Armature. Smaller Armatures will net more trees and larger Armatures will net fewer.
Click here to view a short video about making a tree with Hob-E-Tac.
Use the fine leaf detail to model exquisite trees, bushes, saplings, shrubs and hedges.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.
Woodland Scenics products are not designed to be exposed to the outdoor elements.
Synthetic fiber used to create tree foliage and/or vines, undergrowth and other trailing vegetation.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.
Use on hillsides to model tree masses, bushes, shrubs and other high ground cover.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.
Woodland Scenics products are not designed to be exposed to the outdoor elements.
Presents a thin, lacy effect. Create quick and economical tree masses on your layout.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.
Woodland Scenics products are not designed to be exposed to the outdoor elements.
Mix and match with other foliage to model medium to model large ground covers, create variation in trees, shrubs, bushes and landscape hillsides.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.
This depends on what type of surface you want to adhere the foliage to. We have created three-dimensional trees by gluing foliage to foam board backgrounds. The Clump-Foliage™ must be broken into manageable size pieces (approximately the size of our Bushes). We use Foam Tack Glue™ to adhere the foliage, piece by piece. Dry flat and let the glue dry thoroughly.
Woodland Scenics products are not designed to be exposed to the outdoor elements.
Click here to view a short video about making a tree with Hob-E-Tac.
Models medium to high ground cover, such as bushes, shrubs and trees, and is the perfect product to make medium to large trees.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.
A 25.2 cu in (57.7 cu cm) bag of Bushes will make approximately 15 trees. The exact number of trees will depend on the amount of foliage used and the size of the Tree Armature. Smaller Armatures will net more trees and larger Armatures will net fewer.
Models low-to-medium ground cover, such as bushes, trees and shrubs, and to make small to medium trees.
Our landscaping system is based on nature's principle of contrasts and highlights. Although many of our colors are close, slight variations occur from batch to batch. These variations help create more realistic scenery and blend easily with other existing colors.