SKU: JP5646
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Use to light depots, rail yards, alley ways, sidings, parking lots and more. Includes extension poles to make the light poles taller for a broader reach. Wooden Pole Street Lights are compatible with the Just Plug® Lighting System. Use one Light Hub PORT per set.
20mA set
Dimensions - 1.071" w x 3.449" h (27.2 mm w x 87.6 mm h) | Dimensions with extension piece - 1.071" w x 5.516" h (27.2 mm w x 140.1 mm h)
RoHS Compliant
The Just Plug® Lighting System is a quick and easy way to add realism and interest to new and existing layouts and other projects.
Make your town come alive! Watch how easy it is to add realism to any layout by installing the Just Plug® Street Lights.
Woodland is committed to a business practice, which supports the economy of our local community.
We manufacture the vast majority of our products at our Linn Creek, Missouri manufacturing plant, which also houses our product development, package and creative design, marketing, sales and customer service operations.
Many of the products or parts of the products we manufacture overseas, come back home for packaging and shipping by Woodland employees.
When you purchase Woodland Quality Brands, you support American manufacturing working in balance with a global economy to support American jobs.
-Model making product. Not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years!
-Produit pour le modélisme. Pas un jouet! Pas adapté aux enfants de moins de 14 ans!
-Producto para modelismo. No es un juguete! No adecuado para niños menores de 14 años!
-Modellbauartikel. Kein Spielzeug! Nicht geeigent für Kinder unter 14!
CAUTION: Do not look directly into LED lights when in operation.
ATTENTION: Ne pas regarder directement dans les lumières LED en fonctionnement.
PRECAUCIÓN: No mire directamente a las luces LED cuando está en funcionamiento.
VORSICHT: Schauen Sie nicht direkt in die aufleuchtende LEDs.
Woodland Quality Brands is committed to manufacturing superior quality, safety-tested products. All of our modeling materials are evaluated by a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Approved Toxicologist to ensure they meet the standards for art materials set out by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International, if applicable. "ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence." For more information about ASTM International, visit