Track-Bed Strips (Standard Pack) - HO Scale

SKU: ST1471


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  • Description

    Strips are the perfect roadbed for tight track applications. They align well with cork or Homasote®*. Track-Bed deadens sound, requires no pre-soaking like cork, remains flexible and will not dry out or become brittle.

    Save over purchasing items separately.

    Install easily with Foam Tack Glue (ST1444). Pin in place with Foam Nails (ST1432).

    12 strips/pkg- 3/16 in D x 1 3/4 in W x 24 in L (5 mm x 4.44 cm x 60.9 cm)

    *Homasote® is a registered trademark of Homasote Company.

  • Track-Bed™

    Learn about Track-Bed superior qualities, how it compares to homasote and cork as a sound-deadening material, and watch a demonstration of Track-Bed installation.

    Installing Track-Bed™

    This video will inform you about Track-Bed and show you how to install Track-Bed on your layout base.

  • Made in the USA

    Made In The USA Woodland is committed to a business practice, which supports the economy of our local community.

    We manufacture the vast majority of our products at our Linn Creek, Missouri manufacturing plant, which also houses our product development, package and creative design, marketing, sales and customer service operations.

    Many of the products or parts of the products we manufacture overseas, come back home for packaging and shipping by Woodland employees.

    When you purchase Woodland Quality Brands, you support American manufacturing working in balance with a global economy to support American jobs.

    Safety Warning

    -Model making product. Not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years!

    -Produit pour le modélisme. Pas un jouet! Pas adapté aux enfants de moins de 14 ans!

    -Producto para modelismo. No es un juguete! No adecuado para niños menores de 14 años!

    -Modellbauartikel. Kein Spielzeug! Nicht geeigent für Kinder unter 14!


    CAUTION: Cutting tools and Foam Nails recommended. Use with care.

    • I am interested in your Track-Bed. Is it black, dark gray or light gray?

      The Track-Bed is a dark gray.

    • What is the best way to attach Track-Bed?

      For a strong bond, rough-up the bottom of Track-Bed™ with 80-grit sandpaper and attach using the contact method, working in small, manageable sections.

      Contact Method - Apply Foam Tack Glue™ to both surfaces, allow to set for approximately 20 minutes, but no longer than 1 hour, until tacky, then apply.

      Click here to view a video on installing Track-Bed.

    • What is the best method for laying out Track-Bed for placement on my layout?

      Lay out Track-Bed™ in one piece. Accommodate tight curves by separating the Track-Bed into two narrow strips along the slit that runs lengthwise. Lay the two pieces seperately, butting them snuggly in the middle. Do this by first drawing a center line for your track. Lay each half strip of Track-Bed on either side along this center line.

      Click here to view a video on installing Track-Bed.

    • How much Foam Tack Glue will I need when I lay my Track-Bed?

      N scale Track-Bed - 1/3 oz of Foam Tack Glue covers approximately 4 feet of N scale Track-Bed

      HO scale Track Bed - 1/3 oz of Foam Tack Glue covers approximately 2 feet of HO scale Track-Bed

      O scale Track Bed - 1/3 oz of Foam Tack Glue covers approximately 1 foot of O scale Track-Bed

      Super Sheets - 1 oz per Super Sheet. 1 bottle (12 fl oz) will do 12 Super Sheets.

      NOTE: Coverage is approximate. Exact coverage depends on thickness of application.

    • Can I use a Hot Wire Foam Cutter to cut my Track-Bed?

      No, do not cut the Track-Bed with a Hot Wire Foam Cutter. This may emit toxic fumes.

    • Is the Track-Bed solvent resistant?

      Yes, Track-Bed is solvent resistant.

    • When using the Foam Tack Glue on Track-Bed material, can it be removed safely in the future?

      Yes. Soften Foam Tack Glue with warm, soapy water. If the glue is difficult to remove, use denatured alcohol.

    • Why is Track-Bed better than cork?

      Track-Bed® absorbs the noise and vibration of train operations, so you can enjoy the true "clickety-clack" sound. Track-Bed costs less, does not require pre-soaking, and is easy to apply. It will not dry out, crack and crumble like cork. Since Track-Bed is compatible and aligns easily with cork, you can update your cork bed at any time.

    • I am using Track-Bed, and securing the track with Foam Tack Glue. Now, I need to move one of the tracks. How can I get the Foam Tack Glue to release?

      To remove Track-Bed™, soften the Foam Tack Glue™ with warm, soapy water. If the glue is hard to remove, use denature alcohol.

    • I am having a problem with the ballast adhering to the Track-Bed.

      You should have no problem adhering Ballast to your Track-Bed™ with this tested method.
      1. Pour Ballast over track. Brush from rails and tops of ties.

      2. Mist with Scenic Cement™ to wet the surface, and then saturate Ballast using an eyedropper or Scenic Sprayer™.

      3. Clean rails before use.


      Click here to view a demonstration of applying Ballast to track.

    • Can your Track-Bed be used with any brand of track and on any layout?

      Yes, our Track-Bed™ works great on any type layout with any kind of track of a standard width. For larger scales, consider using Track-Bed Sheets.

    • Is it easier to use the rolls of Track-Bed or the strips?

      It really is the users preference, both are easy to use. Generally speaking, Track-Bed Rolls are easier to use when modeling a larger layout with a lot of straightaways and standard curves. Track-Bed Strips are easier to use when modeling a smaller layout with a lot of sharp curves and turnouts.

    • After I have glued the Track-Bed to my table top and it dries, can I use plastic screws to further secure my track to the Track-Bed?

      We do not manufacture plastic screws and have never tested their usage. This is how we recommend you attach track to your Track-Bed.

      We recommend using Foam Tack Glue. Sand surface of Track-Bed with 120-grit sandpaper, then spread a thin layer of glue over the Track-Bed surface and install track. Pin in place with Foam Nails while drying. 

    • How do I attach Track and Track-Bed to my layout?

      We recommend using Foam Tack Glue to attach Track-Bed and Track to a layout.
      There are different application methods for attaching Track-Bed to your layout depending on the base material.  
      Plaster surfaces: Spread a thin, even layer of Foam Tack Glue where Track-Bed will be installed. Lay Track-Bed and pin in place with Foam Nails to secure while drying. Work in two to three-foot sections. This application method also allows the modeler to make adjustments while installing Track-Bed.
      A permanent application method for plaster and other surfaces: Use the Contact Gluing Method. Apply Foam Tack Glue to both contact surfaces. Let dry until clear and tacky (maximum working time is 1 hour), and then press Track-Bed in place. Installation of Track-Bed has to be precise, because glue will bond instantly. Place Track-Bed in manageable sections.
      For both application methods, we recommend sanding the top and bottom surface of Track-Bed with 120-grit sandpaper before installation.
      To attach your track to the Track-Bed, spread a thin, even layer of Foam Tack Glue on top of the Track-Bed.  Place pieces of track on glue and pin in place with Foam Nails to secure while drying.

      Click here to view a video on installing Track-Bed.

    • How do I apply track-bed along curves?

      Separate Track-Bed into two sections along the score line. Draw a centerline along the curve. Using the centerline as a guide, press Track-Bed sections in place separately, butting them snugly side-by-side.
      We recommend attaching Track-Bed with Foam Tack Glue.

      Click here to view a portion of a video demonstrating how to install Track-Bed along a curve.

    • What adhesive is the most suitable for securing Woodland Scenics trackbed to a painted or unpainted plywood surface?

      We recommend using Foam Tack Glue to adhere Track-Bed to a plywood base.
      If the plywood is painted, we suggest that you use 80 or 100 grit sandpaper to rough up the surface. This will give a tooth for the adhesive to hold on to. If the plywood isn't painted, you do not have to do this. To attach Track-Bed to a plywood base, use the contact gluing method. Apply adhesive to both contact surfaces and let dry until clear and tacky (maximum working time is one hour). When installing Track-Bed, the glue will bond instantly.

    • Is the HO Track-Bed (roadbed) compatible with OO track?

      HO Scale Track Bed (roadbed) is compatible with OO Gauge track.

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